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Name: T.C.
Birth Date: 21-Jun-56
Title: Beauty
HIV Diagnosis:1986
No matter what is going on or your medical condition, you should still feel beautiful!
Name: C.M.B.
Birth Date: 19-May-81
Title: Free
HIV Diagnosis:2005
I look fine on the outside but on the inside I'm broke, people judge me before they get to know me. I
am sadbecause I don't have many friends but love to have fun, full of love, and love to be free!
Name: L.L.M.
Birth Date: 26-Aug-69
Title: Strength has a Million Faces
HIV Diagnosis: 1-Sep-96
"Women with HIV are burdened vessels who are courageous, powerful, strong, empathetic, and
protectors of our families, but most importantly, women with HIV are worthy. I often think back
to a day in the summer of 2001, 5 years after my diagnosis, when I watched the tall ships pass down
the Detroit River. I think about what I have lost since and also what I have gained from my journey.
I ponder the skills, craftsmanship, teamwork, endurance and courage required to build and sail those
vessels in sometimes perilous seas. I am one of those tall ships; tenderly refit by the 'conquering
heroes, the leaders and the best' at the University of Michigan who helped me to understand and
appreciate that strength has a million faces, and one of them just might be mine."
ID: ST-MIZ-M&-0104
STITCHES Womens Iniaitives 28056 Palomino Drive
Warren, MI 48093 Phone: 586-873-8034