Stitches A Doll ProjectThese dolls created by women with HIV/AIDS show that the disease is one with multiple layers that each woman must peel away in order to live a positive life.
Victory Against Violence ProjectThese dolls speak for women who have encountered domestic violence or sexual assault and have come out the other side with hope.
ClotNot ProjectBleeding disorders in women often times are misdiagnosed due to lack of accurate information. These dolls speak to accessing proper medical care and patient education.
EducationProjectOur diverse collections are usedtogether with other educational tools, displays and speakers in an attempt to shed light on subjects often notrepresented. We encourage schools, business and organizationsto contact us if interested inhosting such an event.
OrphansProjectThe “Love-Orphan Outreachfor Kids” project works in collaborate withagencies that work directlywith orphaned children ofAIDS, domestic abuse,or other situationsthat may result in the loss of parents.
Youth @ Risk ProjectAnother new and exciting project of the Stitches Project is our programwhich addresses one of the fastest growing groups at risk our youth. The youth of this country are faced with having to make decisions that mostadults never have to make and often find themselves homeless. The dolls in this collection represent just a few of their stories.
TransiTionsProjectThese dolls are created by soulswho have the physicality of onegender but who identify as another.These unique individuals have beenstigmatized by society yet share their courageous stories of genderreassignment, life as a trans-question person in the hopes that one day they will be understood andaccepted.