Name: Emilee Perkins
Birth Date: 4/7/2001
Title: Sally
Bleeding Disorder: symptomatic carrier
Date of Diagnosis: Birth
Hi my name is Sally and I wish I didn't have so many bloody noses.
ID: CL-UNZ-EM-0021
Title: Jeanie Caril
Title: Jeanie Caril
Name: Mckenzie Maxwell
Birth Date: 9/26/2003
Title: McKenzie
Bleeding Disorder: Factor XI/Hemo C.
Date of Diagnosis: Birth
Please know that having a bleeding disorder is not as bad as you would think with todays medicine it is all very
manageable. Learn all you can about your bleeding disorder and don't be afraid to ask questions.
ID: CL-UNZ-MC-0019
Name: Nettie
Birth Date: 3/1/2000
Title: Sidney
Bleeding Disorder: VWD
Date of Diagnosis: 2008
"I wish they found a cure for Von Willebrands."
ID: CL-UNZ-NE-0020
Name: Caril Lattas
Birth Date: 1/4/1959
Title: Jeanie Caril
Bleeding Disorder: VWD
Date of Diagnosis: 1980
Don't always think things are right--ask questions.
Do what is right for a person who has a bleeding disorder,
which is anything you feel you could do.
ID: CL-UNZ-CA-0018
Gallery One
STITCHES Womens Iniaitives 28056 Palomino Drive
Warren, MI 48093 Phone: 586-873-8034