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 February 22, 1967
Name: L.D.    Birth Date: June 18, 1975 Title: Stud Mama     HIV Diagnosis: Unknown Every woman is at risk for HIV. Only we have the power to change our destiny. With God all things  are possible. Love and peace. African American - Raleigh, NC          ID: ST-NCZ-LD-0022
Name: Demario     Birth Date: April  27 1987 Title: Britney Jean Spears           HIV Diagnosis: 2008 If my doll could talk she would say…Dare to be different. Never do something because others are. Be a role model, don't follow in line like others. African American - Detroit, MI                               ID: ST-MIZ-DE-0013
Name: Lisa   Birth Date:February 6,1970 Title: Destiny        HIV Diagnosis: Unknown It was nothing I did right, it just wasn't my path … however, it is my responsibility to  advocate for my sistas with HIV/AIDS. I will be there for you and take your voice and your needs to the street. Love always …A Sister's Keeper. African American - Washington, DC           ID: ST-DCZ-LI-0014  
Name: Camelia          Birth Date: October 21, 1961 Title: Hope and Passion             HIV Diagnosis: 1992 Doll has no comments. African American - Baltimore, MD                     ID: ST-MDZ-CA-0015
Name: T.W.        Birth Date: May 6,1985 Title: If you only know …. HIV Diagnosis: 2003 My name is Yvone. I died in jail because they would not give me access to health care if only I knew. I fought the good fight, I keep my faith, my journey is complete.(In remembrance of my Aunt RIP Lavonder) African American -Dallas, TX           ID: ST-TXZ-TW-0016
Name: AGN         Birth Date: January 23, 1961 Title: Little Miss No Name           HIV Diagnosis: 2005 Doll doesn't say anything. Baltimore, MD          ID: ST-MDZ-AG-0017
Name: Michelle                   Birth Date: February 22, 1967 Title: Lola            HIV Diagnosis: 1991 I was born due to the love between my mother Michelle and my gay Uncle Dan. If everyone in the world could be like them (Michelle is a black woman and Dan is white) and they both are of different cultures.  Life together they create a better world to live in with this virus called HIV Afro-Latina, Brooklyn, NY                                                     ID: ST-IND-CH-0018
Name: Nathaniel     Birth Date: September 22, 1989 Title: Paris Norel HIV Diagnosis: 2008 See me no different cuz we’re all the same …love, peace and happiness to all. Detroit, MI .                      ID: ST-IMIZ-NA-0019
Name: AGT       Birth date: April 9, 1970 Title: Pink Passion-Pretty in Pink Doll     HIV Diagnosis: Unknown Pretty in Pink-I stand for all my sisters who came into my life that had HIV/AIDS.  They touched me so much with their stories, kindness and love. I will never forget them, each year I light a candle and say a prayer and call each ones name. I'm in the fight  to find a cure. African American - St. Louis, MO          ID: ST-MOZ-AG-0020
Name: Karen             Birth Date: Unknown Title: "Sojourner"     HIV Diagnosis: Unknown           ID: ST-UNZ-KA-0021
National Association of People with AIDS -2009
STITCHES Womens Iniaitives 28056 Palomino Drive Warren, MI 48093  Phone: 586-873-8034