Ariana Patriquin
Title: Gas Mask: Ignorance
These beautiful art pieces can also be ordered reproduced and stretched on canvas measuring 16”x20” which makes for
a eye-catching wall hanging. For more information please visit our “Store” here on our website.
Iulia Rontu
Title: Untitled
Melanie Gomulka
Title: Burden
Olivia Kornak
Title: Hope
Boris Nokolovski
Title: Working
Mindy Hase
Title: Support
Samantha Luotonen
Title: Unity
Katrina Fleishans
Title: A Long Journey
Erika Townsley
Title: Girl in Red
Brandon Bidleman
Title: The Effects of Disease
STITCHES Womens Iniaitives 28056 Palomino Drive
Warren, MI 48093 Phone: 586-873-8034