These dolls are dressed to reflect the feelings of HIV+ women
living in Loudoun County today. This virus has no boundaries –
people of all countries, ethnic backgrounds and races are infected
with this disease. GET THE FACTS!
Name: D. M.
Birth Date: August 26, 1943
Title: Sister Grateful
HIV Diagnosis: Unknown
Doll Submitted: March 31, 2003
I’m grateful to be alive!
I have met so many good people who have AIDS or are HIV+, some of these are still around, many have already
gone to be with God, who loves us all so much. May God bring us all together again in joy and health that never
Caucasian - Bristow, Prince William, Virginia
ID: ST-VIZ-DM-0294
Click Thumbnails to View & Enlarge Each Doll
STITCHES Womens Iniaitives 28056 Palomino Drive
Warren, MI 48093 Phone: 586-873-8034