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Name: Becky Lee Lewis
Birth Date: January 17, 1968
Title: Bernice
HIV Diagnosis: 1993
If my doll could talk-she would say keep praying for a cure-and God bless all infected with HIV.
African American -Ft Lauderdale, FL
ID: ST-FLZ-BE-0055
Name: CC
Birth Date: September 30 1957
Title: Betty
HIV Diagnosis: 1989
When you meet a person please use a condom. You and the person go and have test on HIV together. Talk about
sex with the person. Find out what the person is all about.
Lauderhill, FL
ID: ST-FLZ-CC-0056
Name: Keena Sanford
Birth Date: September 2, 1963
Title: Yvette
HIV Diagnosis: 1988
I went into the hospital that is when I found out that I had HIV. But only God can help me by the grace of God.
African American
ID: ST-FLZ-KE-0057
Name: RMC
Birth Date: August 18, 1960
Title: Sharon
HIV Diagnosis: 1984
My doll would say that she wished that she didn't have HIV, and don't have to take a lot of medication for her to
stay alive.
Ft Lauderdale, FL.
ID: ST-FLZ-RM-0058
Name: Sharon Eason
Birth Date: August 21, 1970
Title: Shirley
HIV Diagnosis: 1990
I wished I would have listened.
Ft Lauderdale, FL
ID: ST-FLZ-SH-0059
Name: Debbie
Birth Date: December 23, 1954
Title: I Rise
HIV Diagnosis: 1984
I give glory to my God Jehovah! The world I come from is a world of disease and addictions. I was told "once a
addict always and addict." Then I became HIV positive I was told that I had the monster and I believed that. In that
world I was told there was no hope or cure! That was the biggest lie told. I am beautiful and today "I Rise" I am not
the monster and there is HOPE!
African American - Ft Lauderdale, FL
ID: ST-FLZ-DE-0060
Name: Vera
Birth Date: January 30, 1953
Title: T.T.
HIV Diagnosis: 2009
I am T.T. I am blessed by God who let me be here today, life is what you make but ask God to help me to carry on
for he loves me and for that I thank him.
Ft Lauderdale, FL
ID: ST-FLZ-VE-0061
Name: Geneva Aneus
Birth Date:July 25, 1956
Title: Juniata
HIV Diagnosis: 1990
My doll would say today I'm not depressed, I'm having a nice time just being around other people.
Ft Lauderdale, FL
ID: ST-FLZ-GE-0062
Name: MamaSo
Birth Date: March 13, 1965
Title: MamaSo
HIV Diagnosis: 1996
She is in pain all the time!
Ft Lauderdale, FL
ID: ST-FLZ-MA-0063
Name: Beverly R.
Birth Date: August 16, 1957
Title: Montana Lace
HIV Diagnosis:Unknown
I can soar. My God now that I have eyes I can see the paths my heavenly father is passing me through. When my
legs hurt I thank him for walking me through the other side. I don't bite my nails any more from fear because I now
can summon up faith in God to do for me what I can't do for myself, like. guiding my thoughts , decisions and
action to be like his image. And my arms to love him like he always loves me especially when I was lost, broken --I
can soar to live to give and rest assure this world is a sure gift to play in.
African American - Ft Lauderdale, FL
ID: ST-FLZ-BE-0064
Gallery One
STITCHES Womens Iniaitives 28056 Palomino Drive
Warren, MI 48093 Phone: 586-873-8034