Name: D.M. D.O.B. 25-Dec-97Title: Lil'MamaI hope you will be o.k.!!! De De or Lil' Mama ID: ST-MIZ-
Name: D.D.O.B. 3-Sep-98Title: KatieHave safe sex so you will have less a chance of getting HIV!ID: ST-MIZ-
Name: N.P. D.O.B. 10/7/97Title: Ke-KeThe doll is speechless! ID: ST-MIZ-
Name: S.B.D.O.B. 21-Jul-95Title: KhloeThat I'm being a support for my little sister, but I need my own life and style. ID: ST-MIZ-
Name: K.J.W.D.O.B. 13-Jul-93Title: Kiaya J.You are not alone, there are people who can be there for you. You have a lot of support. ID: ST-MIZ-
Name: M.O.D.O.B. 21-Dec-97Title: MyaDoll is speechless! ID: ST-MIZ-D
Name: T.J.D.O.B. 17-Jul-72Title: MicheleI don't have HIV or AIDS but I would like to prevent AID's/HIV/ Safe sex and be safe. ID: ST-MIZ-
Name: L.W.D.O.B. 23-Jun-94Title: Lucy LouieYou are not alone, just pray and you will get through it….Have Faith!ID: ST-MIZ-
Name: T.H.D.O.B. 5-Jan-96Title: PaigeDoll doesn't say anything! ID: ST-MIZ-
Click Thumbnails to View & Enlarge Each Doll
Name: Ebony D.O.B. 19-Apr-90Title: PrincessHIV Diagnosis: at birthHIV Diagnosis: at birthI would say please look at my beauty and see the pain that my dress covers up. I would like for the world to accept us/me for who I am. ID: ST-MIZ-